Monday, February 4, 2008

Artisan Bread in Banneton mold

Just had to share what I just took out of my oven.
Looks good for a first try. I know it doesn't have to look good to taste good, but there is much to be said for eye appeal. If you haven't tried this bread, please check out my previous post on Artisan Bread and give it a try, I promise you won't be disappointed.


  1. Beautiful. I am in awe of your bread, just as I am in awe of your quilts. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I just have to share this. Jeff Hertzberg, one of the authors of Becky's new bread cookbook, Artisan Bread in 5 Minutes a Day, had found our blog through Becky's original artisan bread post, and left a comment! I thought he would be impressed with the latest loaf from Becky's Bad Girl Kitchen, so I told him about it. Co-Author Zoe Francois chimed in too!

    Here is how it went down:

    02/4/08 8:39 pm Min said...

    Hi there, Jeff! Check out Aunt Becky’s beautiful loaf! Top of the page right now.

    I can’t wait until my kitchen remodel is finished so I can try out all this breadmaking and join the fun!

    02/4/08 8:52 pm jeff said...

    Aunt Becky rocks! Beautiful result out there. To the point made on your website (, appearance does matter for food. Not just appearance and taste, all five senses for bread, yes?


    02/4/08 9:02 pm zoe said...

    Hi Min,

    Tell aunt Becky that her bread is truly gorgeous!

    Thanks, Zoƫ


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