Thursday, February 7, 2008

3 Bean Avocado Dip

This recipe is meant as an appetizer. My good friend gave it to me, and said that they actually ate it as a meal. So I tried the same and its Delicious! it would be GREAT as an appetizer for a party but also is good as a meal. my kids love it! and they are getting good nutrients from all those BEANS!!!!

2 cans red beans/pinto beans
2 cans black beans
2 cans kidney beans
1 can low sodium, petite diced tomatoes
2 cloves garlic, crushed
5-6 T Chopped cilantro
2 tsp chili powder
2 cups picante sauce
1 avocados chopped
low fat cheddar cheese, shredded
salt to taste

Drain all the beans. Put 1st 8 ingredients in crockpot. cook on low 4 hours. Serve topped with avocado and cheese on top. Eat with tortilla chips.

Note from Min: This is also great on baked potatoes!

1 comment:

  1. Miss Niss! These beans are good. I cooked mine on high for two hours, then on low for about an hour (b/c I didn't get them on four hours before dinner!) and they turned out great. Didn't have cilantro so I used 1 heaping teaspoon of cumin. Very yummy on baked potatoes with cheese and sour cream!


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