Monday, January 28, 2008

Min's Saffron Vegetable Soup

I ran across this recipe this morning while I was looking for a different one that seems to have disappeared. I made this soup several years ago, luckily I wrote down the amounts. This is another "pantry soup" or what I happened to have around at the moment. You'll also notice that I make all soups using essentially the same methods. I have my reasons.

Saute 1 diced yellow onion and 1 diced leek in olive oil in a dutch oven pan until the onion is translucent. Add two diced carrots and about 6 diced potatoes, one can (drained) baby corn, 1 package Mahatma Saffron Rice Mix, 6 cups water, 6 cubes chicken bouillon, and a large sprig of fresh rosemary.

Bring this to a boil, reduce heat and simmer until rice is done. Season with kosher salt, freshly ground pepper and some fresh Italian (flat-leaf) parsley.

This is a delicately-flavored, beautifully-colored, delicious soup. If I had a leek and some baby corn, and some rosemary, I would make it right now.

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