Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Min's Pina Coladas

This will make about 4 servings, or less if you are thirsty.

2 cups organic (or good quality) pineapple juice
3/4 cup cream of coconut (in a can--sometimes found near the drink mixin's)
3 cups crushed ice


Now is the time you give some to the kids. Kids LOVE pina coladas; H-Bomb calls them "Coconut Drinks." Take that kid to Florida and he will DOWN these.

After the kids have theirs, add 1 cup light rum (or to taste) and blend.

Pour into fancy glasses and garnish with paper umbrellas. Pineapples slices, cherries, whatever, if you want to waste your time garnishing when you should be drinking.

Sit back, relax and enjoy.


  1. Min, Your Dad got the "kids Pina" your Mom and I finished off the rest. Delicious!!

    Sandie in hot sunny Floida.

  2. Sandie,
    I'm so glad you guys liked them! And tell Dad not to worry, when I was pregnant, I drank the "kids Pina" all the time...

    I wish I was in sunny Florida!

  3. You can never go wrong with a pina colada! YUMMY!

  4. SOOOOO... good... THank you for all this hard work of organizing this!

  5. Only one word for these - YUMMY! On New years eve I bought a bottled mix and a bottle of rum planning to make the kids some virgin coladas for the party. Just as I was serving them I noticed on the bottle that the mix already had the rum in it! Can you imagine if I wouldn't have noticed!


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