Friday, January 11, 2008

Easy Crab Dip

Here's a recipe for when you decide to go to a party at the last minute, and are told you have to bring something...

1 brick cream cheese, room temperature
1 jar cocktail sauce
1 can crab meat
1 box Wheat Thins (or other sturdy cracker)

Pick a pretty plate to serve this on, roughly dinner plate-sized. Spread cream cheese on the plate, about 1/2-inch thick or so. Top evenly with cocktail sauce. If needed, shred crab a bit and sprinkle evenly over cocktail sauce. (think three-layer dip). And you're done! Serve with crackers.

It tastes great, and no one will ever know it took you less than 5 minutes to put together. Unless you tell them, you Bad Girl!

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