Sunday, March 18, 2012

Southwestern Breakfast Burritos

The other day, I did a search for Southwestern Breakfast Burritos. I was asked to bid on a catering job, and that item was one that was suggested that the client may want for breakfast. So I googled. I ran across several different recipes, all of which I'll be trying and reporting on here.

This one sounded the best, in particular because Joelen makes these in advance and keeps them in the freezer. That, as you know, is right up my alley. I haven't gotten it together to prep these during the day, so we decided to make them for dinner and freeze the leftovers.

I made a few changes, and next time I will make a few more. We ended up with 9 burritos (and despite doubling the eggs from the original recipe, I still had to scramble up a few more to use up the rest of the sausage). When I make chorizo and eggs, I use a pound of chorizo and a dozen eggs, so that is the formula I will stick with next time. I also increased the peppers and added half & half to the eggs because that is how I roll.

For the original recipe and more, please visit Joelen's wonderful blog, What's Cookin' Chicago?!

These burritos were a hit! Our somewhat-picky 6 year old ate an entire burrito! Everyone in the family liked them a lot. We can't wait to have them again for breakfast, and I can definitely see these becoming a staple around here as well as spawning many many variations.

*The only problem I can see, is that after 2 weeks in the freezer, upon reheating, the tortillas became somewhat chewy, not the best texture, although the filling was still good. This does limit their "make ahead-ability."

Southwestern Breakfast Burritos
Adapted from an original Joelen recipe

1 pound pork sausage
1 tablespoon taco seasoning
1/2 green bell pepper, diced
1/2 red bell pepper, diced
1 medium onion, diced
9 eggs *(next time I will use 12 eggs)
2 tablespoons half & half
salt & pepper to taste
9 burrito sized flour tortillas
shredded taco cheese

In a medium skillet, crumble in sausage and cook until browned. Add onions and bell peppers; cook until softened. Remove from heat and allow to cool.

In a medium sized bowl, whisk the eggs and season with salt and pepper as desired. Cook the eggs in a hot skillet and scramble. Add the eggs to the sausage and pepper mixture; toss to combine. Allow mixture to cool.

Heat flour tortillas on a dry skillet until warmed and pliable.

Place a desired amount of cheese on one side of a flour tortilla. Top with a couple spoonfuls of sausage & egg mixture. Carefully roll up the tortilla in a burrito fashion. Wrap the burrito in foil and place in a gallon sized freezer bag; freeze.

To serve, no need to defrost - just cook up from frozen. Heat up foil wrapped frozen burritos in a 350 degree oven for 30-35 minutes... or remove frozen burrito from foil, wrap in a damp paper towel and microwave for 2-3 minutes on high until warmed/hot.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Taste & Create Partner List

It's that time again! Here is the T&C partner list for March! Please remember to submit your creations to Nicole's Taste & Create website by March 24th, 2012!

If you have any questions or problems, check out the How it Works page, or please feel free to email
me at cowgirlmin07 [at] gmail [dot] com.

Have you heard of Taste & Create? It's a monthly food blog event in which participants are randomly paired off, and must choose and create a recipe from their partner's blog. It is great fun! A picture of everyone's creation and a brief "review" gets posted on the Taste & Create website, linking back to your own blog post. Your photo and link will also be featured on Taste & Create's new facebook page!

If you'd would like to sign up for the NEXT event, please email me by the 8th of the month. You'll be randomly paired with another food blogger, and the fun will begin! And if you know of anyone else who might like to be included, please let them know about our event!

Can't wait to see what you all create!